You can make your garbanzo beans from raw beans and never go back to opening a can. They freeze very well. I keep small containers of these in my freezer and they defrost quickly. There are lots of ways to eat these. One way is to roast them in the …

You can make your garbanzo beans from raw beans and never go back to opening a can. They freeze very well. I keep small containers of these in my freezer and they defrost quickly. There are lots of ways to eat these. One way is to roast them in the oven with a little spice and olive oil  thrown on top. Roast for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees. They will be brown and toasty.

This is what I do:

Put 2 cups of dried beans in a large bowl. Pour about 6 cups of water over the top. The water should be at least 2 inches over the beans as they will absorb the water and get bigger. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit over night. In the morning, drain the beans and give them a rinse. Pick out any that do not look good. Place in a pot and fill with water. Add 1 small onion,peeled and cut in half. 2 stalks of celery and 1 carrot. Bring to a boil and using a spoon, take off the white foam that forms on the top. Then, lower the fire and simmer for 1 hour. Start tasting. They will be soft on the outside and just a slight firmness in the center.